
Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens M1 for Respiratory Support

Patent: I450722


Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens M1, derived from Mongolian kefir—a key component of the Mongolian diet for over 5,000 years—is a superior strain that is dominant in this naturally fermented dairy product, renowned for its distinctive health benefits. As a patented and scientifically proven heat-killed strain of beneficial lactic acid bacteria, L. kefiranofaciens M1 is recognized for its remarkable gut and immune-enhancing properties, making it especially beneficial for respiratory support.


Immune System Support

Our rigorous research underscores the capability of heat-killed L. kefiranofaciens M1 to promote the secretion of IL-12 and TNF- α cytokines and reduce IL-4 secreion. This immune modulation helps maintain a healthy immune balance and effectively mitigates hypersensitivity reactions, including common allergies and asthma. This proactive approach in immune defense is integral to managing and preventing undesirable inflammatory responses.


The Benefits of M1

  • Boost TH1 cytokines significantly
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Improve allergic rhinitis and asthma
  • Reduce airway resistance